Monday, 26 February 2018

My realistic 5 year plan!

5 years seems like a while away yet, but we both know it's going to fly by! The last 5 years did, anyway. I've sat down and had a think about my realist goals for the next 5 years and I think I've come up with some pretty achievable ones for myself. 

They seem pretty simple, but for me that's a good start!

Have a career, not just a job - I want to be settled in an actual career and not just a simple job I'm super bored of. I want to be able to enjoy going to work, and not like it's just a chore. I would love to have a career in writing because I obviously love it, and I don't think I'm awful at it. 

Move out of Cornwall - I can not wait until I move away from Cornwall! As beautiful as it is, it's just so incredibly boring. I wouldn't be able to have a proper career down here even if I tried. I'm aiming for a little but more than this. I would miss the beauty of the countryside, but I just prefer the city a lot more! I would love to eventually end up in London, but I would be willing to compromise for the right job I think.

London by Me

Be well on the way to buying my own house - In 5 years time I'll be 25 years old, so I think that is a good enough time as any to start looking in to owning my own house. Although I said I would love to end up in London, I don't think I would ever buy a house in London (as if I'd ever be able to afford one anyway!). I'd probably end up somewhere I can get to London easily from. Maybe Bristol!

Have a good grip on my mental health - If you've read my mental health journey post then you're aware I suffer from depression and anxiety. Although I've suffered from it for a very long time, I still feel like I can't quite control myself. In 5 years time I would like to be able to say that I suffered from depression and anxiety, not suffer. This is probably this biggest goal I would like to achieve from this list. If I don't control this then it'll make everything else here 100x harder to achieve. Not impossible, just harder. So this is a very important one for me to do.

Start writing my novel - As I stated in my Introduction post I would like to write my own novel at some point. I've been jotting down ideas for years but I've never actually done anything with them, so I would at least like to have started putting them in some sort of order or plot. I'd love to at least have a first draft of a novel by the time I'm 25. I think this is pretty achievable. I just have to give myself a kick up the bum and get on with it! 

Start a new hobby - A pretty simple one, but also really difficult for me at the same time. I'm not very sporty, so sports is out the window. I have never been very arty. It's hard to decide on a hobby I'd really like to try. Currently nothing really speaks out to me, so I'm hoping that in the next 5 years something really catches my attention and makes me want to have a go. We'll have to see though. 

I have loads of goals I'd love to achieve, but they're not entirely realistic for the next 5 years, so maybe you'll see them in my Lifetime Goals blog post I'm going to be sharing soon. So keep your eyes peeled for that one. 

Thanks for reading,


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